
the Pence family cookbook

Recipes Tagged with “Belgian”

Lobster Vol au vent with Orange Cognac Sauce

Main Course Lobster French Belgian Untested


for the sauce:

  • 1 cup fresh squeezed orange juice
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 cup chicken stock
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 2 tablespoons cognac

for the dish:

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 8 ounces lobster meat, diced
  • 4 ounces shiitake mushrooms, diced
  • 1 tablespoon chopped shallots
  • 1 teaspoon chopped fresh tarragon leaves
  • White pepper
  • 4 prepared vol au vent shells
  • Fresh flat-leaf parsley, for garnish


  1. For the Orange Cognac Sauce: In a medium saucepan over high heat combine the orange juice, sugar, salt, and pepper. Bring to a boil then reduce heat until nearly evaporated. Add the stock, heavy cream, and cognac. Boil for minute, remove from the heat, and set aside.

  2. For the Lobster Vol au Vent: Preheat a saucepan over high heat until very hot. Add the olive oil, then the lobster meat, mushrooms, shallots, tarragon, and white pepper, to taste, while stirring to combine ingredients. Add 1/2 cup of the Orange Cognac Sauce and bring to a boil for 1 minute. Reduce to a simmer.

  3. Spoon reduced mixture into prepared shells, drizzle with remaining orange cognac sauce, and garnish with parsley leaves.

Food Network

Quiche aux chicons, noix de pécan et emmental

Main Course Vegetarian Endive Belgian Untested


  • 3 œufs
  • 650 g de chicons
  • 1/2 citron
  • 80 g de noix de pécan
  • 1 pâte brisée
  • 100 g d’emmental râpé
  • 25 cl de crème fraîche light à 20 % de mg
  • 1 càs huile d’olive
  • 4 brins de persil
  • 1 c à c de curry Madras (facultatif)
  • Poivre & Sel


Emincez les chicons, mettez-les dans une grande poêle contenant l’huile d’olive et arrosez-les d’un trait de jus de citron. Couvrez et laissez suer 10 min à feu doux. Poivrez, salez, retirez le couvercle et faites revenir 5 min à bon feu, jusqu’à évaporation de toute l’eau rendue.

Pendant ce temps, préchauffez le four sur th. 6 -180 °C. Faites griller légèrement les noix de pécan à sec, dans une poêle anti-adhésive. Hachez-les grossièrement.

Garnissez un grand moule à tarte avec la pâte brisée. Battez les œufs avec la crème dans un saladier. Ajoutez l’emmental râpé, les ¾ des noix de pécan et les chicons ; mélangez et rectifiez l’assaisonnement (ajoutez éventuellement le curry, selon vos goûts). Versez le tout dans le fond de tarte et faites cuire 20 min au four. Démoulez et déposez la quiche avec son papier de cuisson directement sur la grille du four. Poursuivez la cuisson 10 min supplémentaires.

Saupoudrez avec le persil haché et le reste des noix de pécan. Servez chaud, accompagné d’une salade.


Saucisses et Stoemp aux Poireaux

Main Course Belgian Sausage Potato


  • 600g de saucisses
  • 1 kg pomme de terre farineuses
  • 300g de poireaux émincés
  • 1 échalote
  • 5 cl de lait
  • 25 cl d’eau
  • 1/2 cube de bouillon de bœuf
  • 1 c à s de moutarde
  • 70g de beurre
  • 1 feuille de laurier
  • 2 branches de thym
  • noix de muscade moulue
  • poivre et sel


Faites revenir l’échalote hachée 5 min à feu doux dans une casserole avec 20g de beurre. Ajoutez les poireaux émincés. Faites revenir 5 minutes à feu doux. Joignez les pommes de terre pelées et coupées en morceaux réguliers, ainsi que le laurier et le thym. Couvrez d’eau, portez à ébullition et laissez mijoter 20 min.

Pendant ce temps, faites fondre 20g de beurre dans une poêle. Faites-y cuire les saucisses à feu doux, en les retournant régulièrement pour qu’elles soient dorées de partout. Retirez-les et tenez les au chaud. Jetez le gras de la poêle, ajoutez-y l’eau et le 1/2 cube de bouillon émietté. Grattez et faites réduire un peu. Ajoutez la moutarde et rectifiez l’assaisonnement.

Égouttez les poireaux et les pommes de terre. Remettez-les dans la casserole, sur feu doux. Ajoutez le lait, le reste du beurre, du poivre, du sel et de la noix de muscade, selon vos goûts. Écrasez au presse-purée jusqu’à obtention d’un stoemp onctueux.

Servez le stoemp avec les saucisses et la sauce.


Tarte tatin de chicons

Side Dish Belgian Endive


1 pâte brisée lègere [1 light tarte crust]

  • 150g de farine [flour]
  • 100g de fromage blanc [white cheese; substitute very thick greek yogurt or cream cheese]
  • 1 œuf
  • 1 pincée de sel

la tarte

  • 8 petit chicons [8 small Belgian endives]
  • 100g de fromage de chèvre [100g goat cheese, preferably the kind that comes in rounds with a brie-esque skin]
  • 4 cuillères à soupe de miel [4 tbsp. honey]
  • 20g beurre [20g butter]
  • 30g de sucre semoule [30g white sugar]
  • huile d’olive [olive oil]


  1. Préchauffez le four à 180C. [Preheat your oven to 180C/350F.]
  2. Coupez les pieds des chicons et enlevez les premières feuilles qui sont abîmées. Lavez les chicons puis coupez-les en 2 dans le sens de la longueur. Retirez l’intérieur du chicon qui est la partie la plus amère. [Cut off the bottoms of the endives and take off any damaged outside leaves. Wash them, cut them in half length-wise, and take out the central part, which is the bitterest.]
  3. Sur feu moyen, faites chauffer 2 cuillères à soupe d’huile avec le miel. Faites-y revenir les chicons pendant 10 minutes en les retournant régulièrement. [Over medium heat, heat 2 tbsp of olive oil and the honey. Cook the endives for 10 minutes, turning often.]
  4. Réalizes la pâte brisée : dans un saladier, mélangez la farine avec le fromage préalablement mélangé avec l’œuf et le sel. Réservez au frais une fois la pâte hoogène. [Make the crust: in a bowl, combine the cheese with the egg and salt, then add the flour. Keep cold once it comes together.]
  5. Beurrez le fond d’un plat à tarte et parsemez d’un peu de sucre. Déposez les chicons sur le fond puis ajoutez les rondelles de chèvre. Étalez la pâte brisée puis déposez-la sur les chicons et le chèvre. [Butter the bottom of a tarte plate and sprinkle with a bit of sugar. Add the endives to the bottom, then the rounds of goat cheese. Roll out the crust then place it on the endives and cheese.]
  6. Faites cuire pendant 30 minutes jusqu’à ce que les dessus de la pâte soit bien doré. À la sortie du four, retournez la tarte dans un plat et servez. [Bake for 30 minutes, until the top of the crust is well browned. When it comes out of the oven, invert it on a plate and serve.]

Partenamut Magazine

Braised Endives

Side Dish Belgian


  • 8 endives
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 c. water + 1/2 cube beef bouillon, or 1 c. beef stock
  • salt and pepper
  • herbes de provence


Heat the olive oil in a skillet. Trim off the ends of the endives and discard any damaged or dirty leaves. Cut the endives in half length-wise, and place them in the skillet, flat side down.

Cook them over medium heat for fifteen minutes, turning every five minutes and making sure that they don’t burn.

Add half the liquid (if using bouillon, don’t add it yet, just add water). Salt just a bit, especially if your stock is salty. Add pepper and herbes de provence. Cook for another fifteen minutes, turning regularly.

Add the rest of the liquid (and the bouillon cube, if using). Let simmer and reduce, ensuring that nothing sticks, until all the liquid clings to the endives.

Le journal des femmes, translated

Chicken waterzooi

Main Course Belgian Chicken Soup


  • 1 nice chicken
  • 20g butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 slice of bread per person
  • Lemon
  • 20cl cream
  • 5 parsley roots/parsnips
  • 5 potatoes
  • 2 onions, cut in half
  • 5 carrots
  • 6 celery stalks
  • 1 clove
  • Thyme
  • Bay leaf
  • Pepper and salt
  • Parsley


The day before, prepare a nice chicken stock using the chicken. Discard the skin, but reserve the meat and the bones.

Place the bones in a large soup pot and cover them with half water and half chicken stock. Add the onions and the rest of the vegetables, either chopped medium-size or in large julienne. Add the clove, thyme, and bay leaf, and lightly season with salt and pepper to taste. Simmer on low heat for three hours.

Remove the bones and spices, and reserve the vegetables. Add the cream and butter to the broth, and adjust the seasoning. Add all the vegetables and the chicken meat.

Just before serving, temper the egg yolk in broth and add it to the soup, then heat the soup slowly, making sure the egg yolk doesn’t cook.

Serve with chopped parsley and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, and a slice of bread and butter on the side.


Chicons au gratin

Main Course Side Dish Belgian


  • 8 endives
  • 8 slices of ham
  • 40cl milk
  • flour
  • 150g butter
  • 300g grated Gruyere cheese
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • grated nutmeg
  • salt and pepper


Wash the endives and remove any damaged outer leaves. Trim the bottom of the endives and remove the bitter root base. Heat 50g of butter in a saucepan and add the endives with a few drops of water and the sugar. Leave to braise for 15 minutes lid on. The endives are cooked when tender and when they start to caramelize slightly. Remove them from the saucepan and leave them to drain for half an hour. In the meantime, prepare a Béchamel sauce and stir in some of the endive cooking juice. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg, and add 200g of the grated Gruyere cheese little by little. Wrap each endive in a slice of ham. Put them into a gratin dish. Pour the Béchamel sauce over the wrapped endives and place the gratin dish in a 180°C oven for about 20 minutes. After 10 minutes in the oven, add the remaining grated Gruyere cheese over the preparation and leave until the sauce is bubbly and golden brown.



Side Dish Belgian Sauce Untested


  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. white vinegar
  • 1 tbsp. lukewarm water
  • 2 tbsp. sharp mustard
  • 4 dl peanut oil or fine salad oil
  • salt and pepper


Put egg yolks in a bowl and beat them for a moment. Add the vinegar, water, and mustard. Whisk (or use a mixer) briefly. Whisk in the oil in a stream. Taste and season with salt and pepper. If the mayo is too thick, you can add extra vinegar, lemon juice, or water.

Dagelijkse kost, translated

Stoofvlees met friet (Carbonnade avec frites)

Main Course Beef Belgian Potato Stew


  • 2 large onions, chopped
  • butter, cubed
  • 1 kg round steak, in equal 1–1.5" pieces
  • 250g of bacon (thick slices, not lardons; optional)
  • fresh-ground black pepper
  • salt
  • 2–3 bottles of Sint Bernardus Abt 12
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 sprigs thyme
  • 1 whole clove
  • 1 tbsp. Liège syrup [CP: this was 2 tbsp., 1 tbsp. needs testing] OR 1 tbsp. brown sugar
  • enough slices of brown sandwich bread or pain d’épices to cover the surface of your pot
  • 2 tbsp. (sharp) mustard
  • dash white vinegar
  • 1 kg potatoes
  • mayonnaise


Heat a large stew-pot over medium heat and melt a knob of butter. Cook the onions for around 10 minutes, covered, and make sure not to let them brown. If using the bacon, add it now, raise the heat a bit, and stir regularly, still keeping it covered as much as possible. When the bacon is cooked (or if you’re not using it), take everything out of the pot (leaving the juices) and reserve.

Add another knob of butter. Sear the meat cubes on all sides until golden brown, seasoning with a bit of salt and pepper. Reserve the meat. If you are using cassonade instead of Liège syrup, add it to the pot now, mix with all of the meat and onion juices, and let it reduce by half to make a “syrup.”

Return the onions (and possibly bacon) and the meat to the pan. Deglaze with the beer, adding enough just to cover the meat all the way, and bring to a boil. Tie the thyme and bay leaves together and add the herbs, clove, and Liège syrup (if using) to the pot. Smear the bread with the mustard and add it to the pot, smeared side down.

Let the stew simmer for three and a half hours, uncovered. The cooking time will depend on the quality of the meat. Stir occasionally to check doneness. Cover only when the sauce has sufficiently thickened.

Finish the stew with a dash of white vinegar and salt and pepper to taste.

For the frites:

Peel the potatoes and cut them into strips (ideally, 1.3cm). Do not wash them, as this rinses off the starch. Heat the fryer to 140C. Fry the fries for the first time, but do not let them brown. Cool them in a baking dish with some paper towels. Heat the fryer to 180C, and fry the fries until golden brown and crispy. Drain the fries over some paper towel and sprinkle with salt.

Serve a portion of stew with fries and a spoonful of fresh mayonnaise.

Dagelijkse kost + Marmiton, translated and adapted and etc.

Vol au vent

Main Course Belgian Chicken Stew


  • 1 chicken
  • 100g celery (4 or 5 ribs), in large pieces
  • 1 onion, quartered
  • 1 tbsp thyme (or a handful of fresh thyme branches)
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 5 tbsp butter, divided
  • 200g (1/2 lb.) white mushrooms, in pieces (around 1cm or 1/2")
  • 1 leek, minced
  • 1 or 2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
  • 200g (1/2 lb.) ground veal
  • 5 tbsp all-purpose flour
  • 200 mL (1 c.) cream
  • 2 egg yolks
  • Freshly ground pepper and salt
  • 4 round puff pastries (bouchées à la reine)
  • Parsley


Place the chicken in water with the celery, onion, thyme, and bay leaf. Season heavily with salt and pepper. Let it simmer for around an hour, removing the foam regularly.

In a separate pan, cook the mushrooms and the leek with 1 tbsp. of the butter and the lemon juice. Season heavily with salt and pepper (this mixture should be a bit overseasoned, by itself), and add some of the stock from the chicken pot if they start to dry out.

Form the ground veal into meatballs about the size of marbles (around 1/2" or 1cm, maybe a little bigger), and cook them for two or three minutes in boiling salted water. Plunge them into cold water to stop their cooking.

When the chicken is done, bone it and cut it into pieces. Sieve the chicken broth and discard the solids. Make a roux with the remaining 4 tbsp. of butter and the flour. Slowly add the chicken broth until you get a slightly thick, smooth sauce, the consistency of a quite thick gravy. (It should take around 3 or 4 cups, 75 or 100 cL; it should also be a bit too thick, as you’ll thin it with the cream in a moment.) Cook the sauce for a bit.

Add the chicken, the meatballs, and the mushroom mixture. Let that simmer for a second to blend flavors. Add half of the cream and bring back to a simmer. Mix the egg yolks with the remaining cream, and add this to the sauce. Warm it just until it thickens, but do not let it boil.

Serve over the puff-pastry rounds, garnishing with parsley.

visit.brussels, edited heavily